MoDOT Route B
Widening & Resurfacing
This MoDOT project consisted of resurfacing approximately 10.19 miles of two-lane Highway B in Jefferson County, Missouri, from Route 30 to Route 21. The Project included an additional two-feet widening of the shoulders within the project limits. Corrective horizontal curves were also provided where feasible within the existing right-of-way. Design Speed, Lane Width and Shoulder Width (inside and outside) were evaluated during the design process. Project limit exceptions were made where shoulders had already been widened during previous improvement projects along Route B.
DMA’s civil engineers prepared construction plans and job special provisions (JSP’s) for the Project, including traffic control plans. We also provided technical assistance to MoDOT by preparing requests for environmental services, flood plain permit applications, pavement type selection requests, and a workday study. Detailed quantity takeoffs and cost estimates were also provided.